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Alchemy for the Soul

"Andrea's voice is alchemy for your soul. Her voice transmutes matter, dissolving what no longer serves you, and enabling your soul to rise from the shadow. Every one should experience Andrea's voice whether for healing or pleasure - it is truly a gift from the Gods."


Jade D'Cruz, The London Theta Healer, UK

Video testimonial from

Cherley Kane, Ireland

Live Group Healing

"I had the pleasure of meeting Andrea on Sunday evening at The Beehive Yoga Studio in Sedgley. I had listened to a couple of Andrea's recordings on her YouTube channel and was extremely excited to attend a live session. I was blown away by how beautiful and moving Andrea's voice is and also the accompanying instruments she uses. It really was such an amazing and uplifting experience. I felt a release of emotion in the form of tears and also an intense wave of gratitude, both of which were most welcomed. It was a delightful experience. Since Sunday, I have found that I have felt more alive than I have done for some time, with increased energy and have been able to clear a number of "things to do" that had been playing on my mind. This was my first experience of vocal toning and will certainly not be my last. Thank you Andrea, you are truly gifted."

Victoria M, UK

Live Group Sound Healing

"I just wanted to thank you for Sunday evenings session, my friends and I really enjoyed it. I've done sound baths previously and I always love them and always feel the benefit. After Sundays session, I was extremely alert and didn't sleep very much at all. All my old injuries ached the following morning and felt like an old lady. But as the day went on, I started to feel better. I had early night, lights out at 9pm last night, slept like a log, missed the earthquake, and today I feel very cleansed and relaxed, aches and pains pretty much gone. I'm assuming I ached so much because there was some clearing that needed to happen! So thank you once again, really beneficial for me."

Rebecca A, UK

Intense Anxiety

“Recently I experienced what it was like to sit in a group sound bath whilst on a retreat. The experience resonated with me on a deep level and really opened my eyes and heart to this healing modality. So I was more than excited to get an opportunity to receive sound healing from Andrea on a one to one basis. Obviously in these covid times this was done online via Zoom, but with a good set of headphones it was literally like sitting in the room with her. 


Andrea quelled any nerves I may have had on my initial treatment. Her professionalism and calming energy made my first session very relaxed. She guided me through and after that I knew exactly what to expect.


Prior to the treatment I had been suffering with quite intense anxiety. This had been ongoing for approximately 2 months and all my usual practices were not working for me. Andrea was recommended to me by a friend, and at first I received some distance group Reiki and Sound healings from her for a few weeks before my one-to-one session, which really helped too. After my first personal session of sound healing I immediately felt calmer and more like myself, and I was able to get a better night’s sleep. With each session that followed I was feeling more grounded. I would highly recommend Andrea to anyone who may like to try this beautiful and effective treatment.”

Eimear K, Ireland

Severe Insomnia, Psychological Issues, Spiritual Emergence & Stress

"I came to Andrea for sound healing to help with severe insomnia, psychological issues and stress, which have been extremely debilitating, affecting me both mentally and physically.  I had absolutely no reservations about this type of healing as I have prior experience and an understanding of this work, so for me it was easy to accept and be open to it.  I found the whole experience to be very relaxing. Andrea made the session feel very comfortable so it was easy for me to drop into the space and trust her.


Since starting the treatments a few weeks ago I’ve noticed a definite improvement in my sleep pattern, and noticeable energetic shifts on a metaphysical and spiritual level, helping me to unblock old patterns in my system.


The stress has also reduced, I feel lighter in myself and more accepting of my situation. I am continuing to work with Andrea as I feel the whole experience is very beneficial and in alignment with my own path to healing."

Tomas, Ireland

Back Pain & Mobility


"When Andrea told me that she was now offering distant Reiki healing, I was keen to try it, as I have been having significant back pain, also affecting my legs, mainly my thighs, with associated tension. I was finding it difficult to relax the muscles in my legs, probably due to the pain. The pain affects my daily activities, in that I am not able to stand for very long, thus making cleaning and general housework difficult. Walking any distance is also difficult, which affects shopping and browsing.


I had no reservations as I felt that the healing would not make matters worse, and hopefully would improve things. During the healing I felt completely relaxed and during the first session, seemed to be in a 'waking dream', where I saw a figure which I believe to have been my Mother, and felt that the healing was being guided by her from the other side.  The second session felt the same relaxed state but with bright blue and red colours.  In each session I was in a deeply relaxed state.  


My back pain has noticeably improved and, although I still have pain, I am able to do more physically, with a feeling of being able to override it, and continue with what I want to do.

I would put my level of pain before the healing sessions at probably 9/10 at times when standing or walking.  Now, after healing, 4/10."

Chris C, UK

Emotional Blocks Released


"I had a sound healing session with Andrea and was amazed with how I felt afterwards. 

I felt so much lighter in myself, more focused and clear minded. I experienced a huge shift of energy and felt emotional blocks had been released.  The feeling of calmness lasted until a few days after the healing.  I would highly recommend the sound healing and look forward to my next session."

Wendy T, UK

Stress, Anxiety & Anger

“This was my first time to experience vocal sound healing. I was curious how this kind of work would transfer online and was delighted that it worked just as well as in person.  From our initial introduction I found Andrea to be extremely warm, friendly and professional.  She was reassuring and I always felt safe.  My main areas of concern before the healing sessions were feelings of stress, anxiety and anger.

I found each session to be extremely relaxing, I felt energy moving from chakra to chakra and saw beautiful vibrant colours.  In my throat chakra I experienced an opening and releasing.  Amazing considering this was an area of concern for me to start off with. By the third session I felt much calmer and less anxious.  I would highly recommend this type of healing.”

Ciara K, Ireland

Seeking Patience & Healing

I had never heard of Sound Healing before.  Having heard of Andrea through my daughter and a mutual friend, I started following her on youtube, instagram and her website.  Her voice in unison with the Indian shruti box and singing bowl, the vibrations put me into a deep state of meditation as I listened everyday.


My curiosity rose as I continued to have some personal issues with a few close family members which in turn affected my health and my body.  I had tried different forms of exercise, meditation, food and even pain medications but they only masked my issues.  They did not heal or help that which was deep inside of me.  As I continued to listen to Andrea's youtube Sound Healings, I began to wonder if her personalized vibration over a zoom session would ease and help what I was experiencing.


I set up a session, and for two weeks, that is all I could think about.  What would this experience be like and what would the outcome be for me across an ocean and on zoom.   I followed her instructions to be in a comfortable place to allow me to take in the whole experience.  As fate would have it, our schedule time was changed twice.  All along I had wanted to be home by myself and undisturbed. A little tricky but it wasn't happening.  The third time we scheduled, low and behold, I had the house to myself.  It was the Universe answering my prayer to be able to take in the full vibration that was about to be gifted to me.  I decided to lay in bed with the laptop propped up on a pillow.  I signed in to the zoom link a few minutes before our scheduled time.  I relaxed and waited for Andrea.  She appeared, we exchanged a few pleasantries then gently, Andrea guided me into a relaxed state of breathing for a few minutes.  She became aware that my throat and solar plex chakras were a bit blocked.   She quietly guided me to speak my truth if the time were right in the near future.  We continued with the breathing and then she began with her magical voice, vibration and frequency over my headphones.  The vibration took over my entire being and I fell into a trance seeing images float around in the Universe inside my head.  Andrea's vibration moved through every cell of my body.  I felt deep love, deep bliss and deep relaxation.  I fell into a deep sleep because when I awoke, the session had long ended.  My laptop screen was blank and I was floating.


I took the afternoon to contemplate what had happened and Andrea's voice continued to echo in my head.  That evening, the first challenge appeared before me with one of my family members.  As the challenge progressed, I could hear Andrea say in my head "Speak the truth".  I was nervous, but I did just that.  I spoke my truth but with gentle words rather than angry ones.  Surprisingly, the situation did not end up in a struggle or angry words.  It was a peaceful resolution which at first I did not expect.  What followed were the endings of my body pains and my anxiety over trying to be patient with others.  Over the following few days, other challenges arose, and again, the vibration ran through my body of healing and patience.  I was able to follow through those difficult moments, not an easy task, but I felt like I was being guided and held to make me speak those words that needed to be said.


I can say that I am sleeping better, my relationships, although still a challenge, are not as stressful any more.  My body aches have gone away and at 59, my body feels like it is 40.


I cannot explain how this vibration works nor how Andrea's voice seems to have seeped into my everyday life but it has.  She is an angel with healing powers that resonate through her voice, specifically for the person during their session.  I am so glad I found her Sound Healing.  Her gift is priceless and I will forever be grateful for this amazing gift of having found Andrea."

Genevieve M, Arizona, USA



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